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Just Do Something

I can't believe summer's almost over - it's gone by so fast! I have to apologize for not writing more often.... honestly, it's harder to write when I'm at home! My days have been spent quite normally with family, friends, and the several kids I babysit.

As much as I've enjoyed this summer season, I believe it's time to move on. My heart is calling me back to Japan.

What does that look like? That's a question I've been asking myself the past several months. I've gone through so many options... and after all the questions and doubts and fear, I've finally come to this conclusion: I need to trust God and just do SOMETHING! To stop waiting around for His perfect direction and will for my life, and just take a risk, trusting that even if I make a wrong decision He will be there to catch me.

So.... I am applying to Eternity Bible College, a Bible school founded by speaker and author Francis Chan. Getting a degree will prove very useful for future living in Japan. I hope to get a 2 year associate's degree, beginning out in California where the school is located, with the possibility of transferring to online studies and eventually moving to Japan.

There are a lot of unknown details that often cause me to worry, fear, and doubt. But I hear God speaking to me, saying just go for it and trust Him! So I am beginning to take steps in this direction - including reaching out to all of you who have supported me in the past.

I'm writing not to say I have a clear plan of what the next years of my life will look like; but to ask for your support and encouragement in the midst of the process. Life isn't always clear, but I want to follow God and be a part of His plan to share His Gospel with the world. I've realized over this summer that I need continual support, encouragement, and prayer while at home - sometimes even more so than when I'm overseas! Home is a place where it's easy to get comfortable; it's easy to lose sight of the path God has called me to take.

Deep down in my soul, I know there's more to life than living a comfortable, normal "American dream" life. I want to be a part of the bigger picture, part of the story God has been writing since the beginning of time. I want to find my place in HIS story, and I need your help to get there. This journey is not an easy one. I don't have all the details mapped out in front of me. But I'm trusting that as I move forward step by step, the way will begin to appear. Will you join me on this journey?

I am so thankful for each of you who are reading this. What I do wouldn't be possible without a community of friends like you all. Your prayers mean so much! And please let me know if you need prayer for anything; I would be more than happy to pray for you!

Allana Drianis
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